
Hey guys, it’s Casey Denman here from Tax Sale

First off, thanks so much for joining me on today’s livestream here on Youtube. As always, at the conclusion of this livestream, if you’re looking to learn more about investing in tax defaulted real estate head to, that’s

Alright guys, today is Friday. And it’s Black Friday, which is the day immediately after Thanksgiving every year in the United States. And in a few weeks, most of the country will be celebrating another holiday, which is Christmas, Hanukah or whatever it is you believe in. Then after that we’ll be celebrating New Years. Now, I didn’t shoot this livestream to be a calendar, but I did want to remind you that we’re officially in the holiday season.

It’s the time when people celebrate, travel, take time off work and spend time with family and friends. And I’ll be the first person to tell you all of those things are extremely important in our lives for balance. And there isn’t a bigger advocate of spending time with friends and family than me.

But, the question pops up time and time again for tax sale investors. What should I do during the holiday season? Does business just stop, does it slow down . . . what about you Casey, what do you do?

First off, understand that there are a number of holidays that will close county offices. It’s also a time of the year where the county will finalize a number of things and tax sales can often be put on the back burners. In fact, many counties won’t schedule any auctions during December and maybe even during January.

BUT, and it’s a big BUT, if they do schedule auctions around the holidays and you can attend these auctions, it can be a prime opportunity to bid on properties with the competition levels reduced substantially. Because other tax sale investors are people too, right? They travel, take time off work, and just generally get lazy around the holidays. And it’s a great time to sneak in there and snag a few properties.

I was looking at an auction schedule last week, and I was actually researching it this morning and there is an auction of December 27. That’s on the Thursday after Christmas, but prior to the News Year’s Holiday that so many people also take off for and celebrate. This is also one of the busiest travel weeks in the year. I can promise you that specific auction will set records for attendance lows. And that auction will probably also set records for how cheap properties sell.

So, if you’re in town and capable of attending an auction and there are properties there that meet your specific investment objectives, then by all mean GO TO THAT AUCTION! And enjoy the benefit of everyone else traveling and taking time off.

The second thing I want to address is for the areas where there aren’t any auctions. In addition to celebrating the holidays, many people also have some sort of down time. Maybe it’s while they’re sitting in the car traveling, or sitting at home with time off, or whatever it is. Obviously, this can be a great time to spend with family and friends. BUT, it can also be a great time to invest in yourself. If you’re interested in the tax sale business, it’s a great way to begin learning to catapult you into this business come the new year’s. So many people set New Year’s Resolutions, which are great. A common one is to earn more income and obviously, I’m an advocate of tax sale investing. So, why not take some of your downtime to learn about this business?

I have well over 400 videos you can watch on your computer or mobile device as you travel on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to my podcast at while you’re on the go. If you want to take the next step, you can get your copy of Tax Sale Playbook. The book is free, just cover the nominal shipping charge and it’ll get to you with a few days well in time for the holidays. Then of course, when you’re really ready to invest in yourself, become a member of the academy for the most advanced training and you’ll get immediate access.

Now, I’m not here to plug my products. In fact, 3 of the 4 I just mentioned are free, right? What I’m here for, however, is to remind you that you can actually go against the grain. The holidays are an odd time where so many people tend to become lazy and then as soon as January 1st hits, they are supposed to change gears and go full speed to meet their resolutions of losing weight, making more money or whatever else it may be.

And again, I’m a proponent of utilizing downtown for leisure activities and setting goals both. But with that said, the holidays and your downtime can be utilized to actually start the process to achieving these goals. Sure, spend time with family, but when everyone goes to bed or when you’re riding in the car or the plane, or you have downtime with nothing going on, take that time to learn. Use it so that when January 1st comes you have something to build upon. Don’t fall into the holiday rut of all play and no work. If you do take advantage of your downtime during the holiday season, I promise you that you’ll have a HUGE head start on everyone else come the first of the year.

So guys, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and start to your holiday season. And I look forward to seeing you on next week’s livestreams.

If you do enjoy these livestreams, be sure to hit that thumbs up button just so we know you’re finding out trainings useful so we’ll be able to produce more videos for you in the future.

And of course, if you’re looking to learn more about investing in tax defaulted real estate, head on over to Again that’s

Have a great weekend. Take care, bye bye.