Hey there, it’s Casey Denman from and welcome to our weekly question segment. This week’s question comes to us from Corey.

Alright, Collin’s question . . .

I don’t want to invest in tax liens but I live in a tax lien state. What do I do?

Hi Collin, thanks so much for your question. Simple, invest out of area.

With technology nowadays and with just a little bit of strategy, it’s just about as easy to invest out of area as it is locally. If you live in a tax lien state and want to invest in a tax deed state or vice versa, then do it. The same can be said for those that live in area that aren’t all that profitable, simply go to another area to invest. If you know my story you know that I invested locally for a few years before realizing that my income was capped. So I investe in another county and another, then another state and eventually I started to invest much more out of state than I did locally.

The internet has allowed us these opportunities and it’s only going to get easier from here. We can find list, review lists, research those lists, find folks to inspections for us, bid online and even sell the properties online all without being forced to go there if we don’t want to. I’ve got students in the academy from many other countries that invest using this same strategy – Germany, Australia, brazil and hong kong to name a few. It’s just a matter of finding the right strategies that work for you, putting forth the effort and investing.

In short, Collin DO NOT let your local area where you live prevent you from taking advantage of opportunities in other states. Those opportunities are there and ready for you to take full advantage of them!

Collin, I hope this answers your question. If you have a follow-up or if anyone watching this video has a question, please feel free to leave it below this video or any of our other videos right here on YouTube.

Thanks so much for watching. And as always, check out to grab a copy of your free book or if you’d like to take advantage of the most detailed and step by step training we offer through The Tax Sale academy. See ya next time!