Want to know why tax sale investing isn’t working for YOU? This is a livestream you DO NOT want to miss. I’ve got five reasons why you aren’t seeing the success you desire!


Hey guys, it’s Casey Denman here from Tax Sale Academy.com

Thanks so much for joining me on today’s livestream here on Facebook. As always, at the conclusion of this livestream, if you’re looking to learn more about investing in tax defaulted real estate head to taxsaleacademy.com, that’s taxsaleacademy.com.

Alright guys. I’m going to teach you some extremely important stuff in this livestream today. It’s only going to be a 7 or 8 minute livestream, but it’s very important stuff. And the truth is it might even sound like a rant, because it might just partially be one. I get comments, complaints, frustrations, whatever you want to call it from a few people that have just discovered this business. I also see it from time to time on forums or in facebook groups. And I’ve done lots of videos on the solutions in the past. But these comments are always along the lines of how someone is not seeing success at tax sale auctions. How it doesn’t work for them. How they don’t believe it’s profitable. How they just can’t win a property . . . the excuses go on and on.

First off, just in case you’re discovering my channel for the first time let me tell you quickly about my experience. I’ve been a tax sale investor for 16 years now. I’ve seen millions of parcels and billions of dollars worth of real estate auctioned off over the years. I’ve attended probably more than a thousand auctions, I’ve held an interest in more than 1,000 properties in a dozen states. On top of this, I’ve written a book on the subject, The Tax Sale Playbook. I’ve created a podcast on tax sale investing. I’ve got 400 plus YouTube videos on tax sale investing on my channel and I’ve authored, created and operate the most comprehensive tax sale investing course in the world. If anyone knows a thing or two about tax sale investing, it’s me. Ok?

So, let me go ahead and explain why YOU are not seeing the tax sale success you desire.

Number 1. Your expectations are ridiculous. This is not bit coin, this is not the lottery, this is not a get rich quick scheme. This is actual real estate investing. You are buying real estate and selling real estate. You will NOT watch three of my YouTube videos, suddenly become an expert and then go to one auction and walk away with quarter million dollars worth of profit in your pocket. It just doesn’t work like that. You have to learn what you’re doing, figure out the strategies that will work for you, based on YOUR investment objectives and then press forward.

Number 2. Speaking of investment objectives, maybe you should change them? Everyone has this idea in their head how everything should play out. But maybe your goals are not realistic. Guys, I have goals and objectives that I physically write down every single day, so I’m not knocking having a plan whatsoever. In fact, I highly encourage it.

But from time to time, especially if things aren’t going the way you want to, it’s time to change your objectives. One of the biggest issues I see are new investors who want to buy a property within 30 day or 45 days. Guys, that’s great. I can appreciate working towards that goal. But at the end of the day, YOU have such little control over the tax sale process. Here’s what you can control: Yourself. Yep, that’s it. That’s the end of the list. Here’s what you can’t control: What properties are offered, when they’re offered, how much they’re offered for or how much they sell for, you can’t control your competition, you can’t control the market conditions. You can only control yourself. That’s the only thing. And part of that control is patience. You must be patient.

And that’s the next reason that you’re not seeing success. Patience. You are not patient. The deal is I’m not patient either. It’s ok! But when it comes to tax sale investing, I’ve learned to be patient. Because patience is a lot of what this business is about. You wouldn’t believe the amount of emails and comments I get from investors who attend ONE auction and tell me that they didn’t get the properties they wanted or they didn’t have a good experience. They complain about tax sale investing after just ONE auction!? Can you believe it? One single auction? That’s like going to the weight room ONE time and complaining as you walk out because you don’t look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. And this is one of the biggest pet peeves of mine. People are not committed. You must commit to attending as many auctions as it takes or don’t get into this business. Again this is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a real business, that has made countless millionaires out of the people who have stuck with it.

Along with patience is another one of my top suggestions. Exposure. And when I say exposure I’m talking about exposure to properties being auctioned off. Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. And I agree with my friend, Albert. If you attend the same auction in the same county over and over and over again and are not seeing the success you desire, you are officially insane. At least according to Albert.

My business had a glass ceiling and I was officially capped out on income when I invested in just one market, which was my home market. Eventually, when I decided I wanted to make more money I went to another county. Then another and another. Then I invested in another state and another state. I cherry picked the best properties for me from every single market. And that’s the way to grow your business. See as many properties are possible get auctioned off and put yourself in position to be in the right place at the right time.

Alright guys, the last reason you are not seeing tax sale success is that you are still looking for the easy button. You know, that little button where you press it and suddenly hundred dollar bills just start falling from the sky. Well, when you find it please let me know. Tax Sale Investing is a business. Tax sale investing does take knowledge, training and time. I have had the pleasure of training many students and I can tell you, that without a doubt, the students that see the most success are the ones who put forth the most effort. Your results are a direction correlation to the efforts you put forward. Now this is not a plug for my trainings, but I’m going to give you an example here…this book, is packed full of information and is free. I only ask that the reader helps out with the shipping cost to pay the US Postal service. But people complain and the person that complains about having to pay the shipping cost on my book, which is $4.97, will not, ever, see tax sale success. Ever. They refuse to invest time, money or effort into their success and they ultimately will not see any success because of that.

Now, I don’t care if you invest in my trainings or not, but I’m going to tell you that the student who invests in themselves and puts everything into learning this business will absolutely see success. I just got an email a few days ago as a matter of fact from a student who joined my academy a few months ago. She invested in herself, read my book and lawguides, joined the academy, went through every single training video, did everything that I suggested, scheduled private coaching sessions with me that she paid for, and guess what? On Monday she sent me a photo of her first check where she made $11,000 in profit off of a $7,000 investment. Obviously, I can’t promise you’ll get those same results, but it just proved, once again, that the person who invests in themselves and learns everything they can and puts forth the effort required will see success. The person who is lazy and looking to make a quick buck or two is insulting the intelligence of every single tax sale investor and will never see success in this business. It takes effort, plain and simple.

Guys that’s it. Ok, I’m done ranting for today ok? But, here’s the deal. Tax sale investing is an absolutely incredible and very lucrative business. And it’s fun. I really enjoy what I do. But it takes strategy. It takes time. And most importantly, it takes training. And that training can be done alone where it takes you years to figure the business out or you can take advantage of and leverage someone else’s years of experience and their training to provide a short cut for you.

Listen, I hope you have an incredible day guess and I want you to see success as a tax sale investor. If you’re just getting started, we have well over 400 completely free training videos on our YouTube channel, loads of content on our website and we launched our podcast not too long ago as well. We have tons of resources to help you get started.

Another great resource is this book right here, The Tax Sale Playbook, we’ve been getting tons of positive feedback….I get an email nearly every single day thanking for writing this book. And here’s the deal, I paid for this book for you guys. I bought the book and I want to get it in your hand. All I ask is for your help with the shipping cost of this book. You can get your copy at TaxSaleAcademy.com. And of course if you’re ready to take the time to invest in yourself and to learn this business, head to TaxSaleAcademy.com and click the join button.

Guys, I hope you have an incredible week. Take care, bye bye.