Written letter emailed to subscribers 11/21/18:

Good Afternoon!

I’ve never written a letter like this, but I felt the urge to this morning.

In 2011, I began creating The Tax Sale Academy. At the time, I was very hesitant because I didn’t want to be labeled a “guru” or “scammer.” Despite my success as a tax sale investor, I was held back by the label that others might attach to me.

I eventually pushed forward and began to produce more and more training materials teaching new investors how to see success. This year I finally completed and printed The Tax Sale Playbook, launched The Tax Sale Podcast, and surpassed 400 videos on the Tax Sale YouTube Channel.

Perhaps it goes back to my fear of being labeled, but I’ve always felt the best way to operate a business is the same way you should operate your life – by being helpful and kind. When it comes to my business, my goal has always been to provide the help and training that can point someone towards tax sale success. And truth be told, that’s the reason we have so much training material available (without cost) and is the reason we put so much into The Tax Sale Academy for our premium members.

Every day I get messages thanking me for providing some sort of training. I also get new subscribers, likes and comments and I take notice of every single one. And on a very regular basis I get emails from members who I have closely watched and trained in this business, telling me about their recent successes with their profit numbers.

And for this, I want to say Thank You. Thank you for taking the time to learn from me. Thank you for watching my videos, reading my posts, listening to my PodCast, opening my emails, subscribing, clicking a “thumbs up” button, giving me positive feedback and for consuming every bit of my trainings. Without a doubt, there isn’t a more fulfilling thing in my life than having someone tell you that you’ve made a positive impact on theirs. And hearing those words, has truly changed my life and encourages me every single day to continue to be the best tax sale trainer in the world.

If I can ever help you on your journey in this business, I’m here for you.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!




Casey Denman