Hey guys, it’s Casey Denman here from Tax Sale

First off, thanks so much for joining me on today’s livestream here on Youtube. As always, at the conclusion of this livestream, if you’re looking to learn more about investing in tax defaulted real estate head to, that’s

And also, I wanted to remind you guys that we’ll be having a live Q&A next Thursday, December 20th at 8 PM EST. Check out our channel on YouTube, then click on that video and click reminder to be notified.

If you’re thinking about investing in tax defaulted properties, you’re likely to have some doubts pop up sooner or later. And even if you are the most optimistic person in the world, other people might tell you about their doubts which could impact your decision to begin. And I honestly answer questions every single day relating to someone’s doubts or excuses about this business. So, in today’s livestream, we’re going to be discussing these doubts and excuses. I’m going to address the most common ones I receive.

So, let’s work down a list of five common excuses I receive.

The first one is that it’s too competitive. That there aren’t any good deals because when you went to the auction that one time you didn’t see any. Here’s the truth: There are MILLIONS of properties auctioned off every single year. That’s right MILLIONS of properties that total BILLIONS of dollars in value. There are hundreds of thousands of parcels that are sold at minimum bids or go unsold and the overwhelming majority of tax sale properties are sold substantially less than market value. If you make it an effort to step outside of your comfort zone, and perhaps outside of your county, if you’re patient and if you seek out the auctions with opportunities you will absolutely find them.

Another common one is someone what supposedly really wants to start, but they don’t have the money. First off, if you really want to do it you’ll find a way. Seriously guys, if it’s an absolute must in your life, you will find a way if you really want to. With that said, there are plenty of ways to fund your investments. I just did a livestream on this the other day, and we go into deep detail inside the academy. There are plenty of funding options. And on that same token, it might not require as much money as you think. I’ve done other videos on extremely cheap properties. Now, these don’t come around every single day and I’m not promising you’ll ever see any as cheap as some of the ones I’ve purchased. And it might even take a little longer the less money you have to start with, but eventually you’ll be able to acquire properties at incredibly low prices. So don’t worry about having to get $100,000 or anything crazy. Check your results and work towards a realistic budget.

Another common excuse is time. I actually got an email this morning with someone saying that they want to invest but don’t think they have time. Well, there are two ways to approach this. First off, if you learn what you’re doing you can learn to efficiently research properties and make the most of your available time. You can even submit proxy or mail away bids and you can do it while working 50 or 60 hours a week in another job. In fact, that’s how many of my students get started – they work full time in one job and then they’ll start investing part time while working in the evenings, until they get to the point that the tax sale income replaces their regular job. The second way to approach this is create more time in your life. And I know this probably isn’t what you want to hear, but if you supposedly want to invest and grow wealth through tax sales, but can’t find the time, despite you being able to watch an entire season of House of Cards or something, then I just can’t help you. But odds are, if you really figure out where every single minute of your time is going, including the time you spend watching TV, scrolling Instagram, or whatever else you do, I can guarantee that 95% of the people that will watch this can definitely make time to start. So the time excuse is just another excuse.

Another excuse is you don’t like the system in your state. So, what if you live in a tax lien state and you want to invest in tax deeds? Or maybe you live in a tax deed state and you only want to invest in tax liens. Well, I guess you just have to give up. You can’t invest, then, right? Of course that’s wrong. You can absolutely invest anywhere in the country you want. The only thing that is limiting you, is YOU. We have this pretty cool thing nowadays called the internet which allows you to perform just about all the research you need online, combined with hiring locals to do the rest, and then you can even submit online bids in many areas. When I started back in 2002, you had to travel to every single county if you wanted to invest. This isn’t 2002 anymore and you aren’t limited by the amount of travel you’re willing to do…just get out your computer and get started.

The last of the excuses we’ll be discussing today is about the knowledge required. People tell me that tax sale investing is complicated. The truth is that it’s pretty simple, once you begin to understand it. Once you actually get started you’ll understand it quickly. Of course, it doesn’t come without challenges and it doesn’t come with out any mistakes. And that’s the specific reason that my company exists, because I went through those challenges and mistakes. We’ve been in this business for an extremely long time and have attended more auctions than I can remember. We’ve taken all of our experiences and our mistakes and have created training programs to get you started. If you’re looking to learn, we have the resources. First off, we have 430 or something videos right here on YouTube dating back to 2012. That is a lot of videos. Then we have lots more training information over on our website at We also host The Tax Sale Podcast. And if you really want to dig in and get the most comprehensive step by step training, then I highly recommend joining The Tax Sale Academy. The nominal investment into that training will pay off time and time again. And the fact is, if you don’t want to invest the time and money into actually learning what you’re doing then you shouldn’t be in this business anyhow. The point is, that if you want to learn you absolutely can, so don’t ever use that as an excuse.

Guys, I think more than anything it comes down to you. If you want to learn how to do something, if you want to see success in this business, you absolutely can. After training new beginners in this business, I can promise you that every single one of your excuses have easy solutions. Your age, sex, race, experience, all that stuff does not matter one bit. Your effort and determination is really the only thing that does. It just comes down to a matter of whether you really want to get started or not.

If you don’t, that’s perfectly fine. If you do, then of course, we’re here to help.

That’s it for today’s livestream guys. If you enjoy these livestreams, be sure to hit that thumbs up button just so we know you’re finding out trainings useful so we’ll be able to produce more videos for you in the future.

And of course, if you’re looking to learn more about investing in tax defaulted real estate including in depth training on alternate funding methods, head on over to Again that’s

Have a great afternoon! Take care, bye bye.