

Welcome to the Tax Sale Podcast, where tax sale investing is made easy.

I’m Casey Denman, a tax sale veteran, expert, and trainer, author of the tax sale playbook, founder of the tax sale academy and your host here on the tax sale podcast.

Thanks for joining me on today’s podcast, and as always, at the conclusion of this podcast, if you’re looking to learn more about investing in tax defaulted real estate head to taxsaleacademy.com. That’s taxsaleacademy.com.

I’m actually going to do something a little different today – something I’ve never done before. And it’s mostly because we’re around the time of the year when people start setting goals and resolutions. Unfortunately, I don’t know what they say the exact number is, but the overwhelming majority of these goals or resolutions are broken in a matter of weeks.

So today I’m not going to be discussing tax sale investing, but rather some strategies and habits that I’ve found to be helpful for me on a personal level which ultimately allows me to have a much more successful in my business. Between investing in tax sales, teaching at The Tax Sale Academy, my family and various other things happening in my life I’ve realized over the years that in order to be more productive I had to develop certain strategies in my life and couldn’t just fly by the seat of my pants and hope for the best.

Now, I’m not an expert in any of this stuff and in fact, I’ve learned most all of this from others. But hopefully you can take a few things away from today’s podcast and apply them to your life and ultimately your tax sale business.

So, let’s discuss five ways to help you see more success in your life:

Set goals. And this is probably the most cliché and obvious one. But it’s mentioned over and over again for a reason. We all need something to strive for, something to work towards on a daily basis. And it’s important to have an idea of where you want to head. Sure, your goals will likely change over time, but if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never know how to get there.
When it comes to the specifics: I always set slightly lofty, but eventually obtainable goals. There is a quote that we overestimate what we can do in a day, and underestimate what we can do in a year. And this is so truthful. It’s important to set goals that are measurable as well – be specific with your goals. Have a way to know when you’ve made it to that goal.
Something I personally do is write down my goals every single morning. You can buy spiral notebooks in bulk from amazon. At the top of the page, I’ll write the date, then I’ll write down all my goals as quickly as possible. I’ll usually fill up about ¾ the page and then I’ll move on to the next page the following day. It’s a great method to constantly remind us what we’re working towards and to help push and motivate us to reach our goals.

Something else I’m a strong believer in is a Morning Routine. Developing a strong morning routine will allow us to make sure every single day is set up for success. There’s a book called the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod that goes into detail on his routine. And if you haven’t yet read it, I highly suggest it. The basics is that we need a routine in the morning to adjust our minds and bodies in preparation to succeed that day. Now, I don’t follow the routine exactly as referenced in Miracle Morning, but my routine does closely resemble. And the more I follow this routine, the more I believe it it. I don’t want to go into my routine in too much detail in today’s podcast, but whatever you’re routine be sure it includes a quality breakfast, some quiet time to clear your head, and some exercise. There are a few other helpful factors, but those are non negotiables in my opinion.

Another suggestion is to practice constant gratitude. I understand that we all have challenges in our lives and that we all face our own battles, but by showing constant gratitude for where you are in life you’ll become a happier and more productive person There are 150,000 people every single day that die. So if you need something to be thankful for, you can always start with that. What I usually do is sit quietly and either think or write out a few things I’m thankful for. Just for a few minutes, it doesn’t have to take hours. And you can start with the smallest things – health, clean air, water, food, that kind of stuff. Really sit back and think about everything you do have in your life and I promise you that you’re much more fortunate than you probably even realize.

The next one is to focus. One issue I used to always face is that I could never seem to get anything done. I’d go from an email to a text, to researching an auction list, to a phone call, to a YouTube Video, to placing a bid, to this that and the other. I’d be incredibly busy, but when I looked back at the end of the day I couldn’t’ figure out what I had actually completed. Eventually, I realized I had too much stuff going on to be productive. Then I started to get serious about it. I started to schedule out my life and tasks. And this made all the difference in the world. On any given day, I know what it will look like well in advance. Everything operates like a well oiled machine and there is very little wasted time throughout the day which is my ultimate goal. My suggestion is to start off with just a few of the most important things on a schedule and maybe even some lists to help you complete those things. Then expand from there. The idea is to make sure you’re prioritizing your time properly and there is no wasted time.

My last suggestion is to enjoy today. Enjoy today and be hopeful for tomorrow. Until I started to get older and especially once I had a son, I didn’t realize just how quickly time could move. Today, right now, the moment you’re in, will never ever happen again. And when you really sit back and think about that, it’s incredible. Today will never happen again. So it’s important that we enjoy every single day. And even if you don’t have children or a family, or anyone or anything, why not enjoy today to the best of our ability? Why be miserable? Sure, I’m a firm believer that we should do everything possible to make tomorrow better than today, but while we’re here in today it’s important to enjoy it. This will ultimately make you happier, which will turn into a better tomorrow and a domino affect for a happier life for years to come. So enjoy today.

Guys, again, I’m not an expert at any of this stuff, but hopefully you can learn from some of the stuff I’ve learned myself over the years. We’ll get back to tax sale investing directly in next week’s episode but I hope you have an incredible holiday season and a great start to the first of your year.

If you’d like to learn more about investing in tax defaulted real estate head on over to TaxSaleAcademy.com. That’s TaxSaleAcademy.com.

And as always guys, if you found this episode helpful it will mean so much to us if you take a few second to leave positive feedback.

Take care guys and make it a successful day.

See ya!